Senin, April 02, 2012

Free Download Game New Super Mario Bros 2012 (PC/Eng) - Full Version

Mario games are very popular among the gamers. This game has become a legend, especially in the version of the nintendo games. Even now many emerging super mario with different versions. And this time I share the super mario pc latest version of "New Super Mario Bros. 2012". With a genre that is still the same as previous versions, "New Super Mario Bros. 2012" very fun and entertaining to be played by all people. What is new in "New Super Mario Bros. 2012"? if curious please download and enjoy the game.


System Requirements:
Windows XP (SP3 / Windows Vista (SP1) / Windows )
1.8 GHz Or More For 7 / vista
1GB (XP) / 1.5GB (Vista / Win 7)
256 MB of onboard memory and support for Pixel Shader 3.0


1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount with daemon tools
3. Install the game.Serial : UNDERCOVER^AAAEAEA
4. Enjoy Play the game

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